Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Road Trip

As a child, I remember during early morning hours being guided half asleep with my pillow through the house to the direction of the car. My brother, sister and I would all settle into our seats, quickly falling asleep again as one of my parents would start our journey towards the coast. Some years it would be towards Savannah,Ga to see my dad's parents, other years (mostly during the summers) it would be in the direction of Sarasota, FL to see my mom's parents. We never flew anywhere, but I always enjoyed the special moments that a road trip brings; stops at the gas station (of course for gas, but more importantly the snacks you don't get at other times) the games to keep yourself entertained to make time pass quicker (the license plate game, or alphabet bill board game), but best of all the many hours of being together in close quarters together(drawing imaginary lines on the car seat to be sure you have a fair amount of space) therefore building a foundation for the family you will become later in life. Slowly as we grew up, other members of the family would become legal to drive therefore sharing the burden of the long drives. Recently as full grown adults, we were able to share these memories all over again. (Perhaps more joyfully shared by me than my other family members, but a trip that I will treasure all the more because of the connects it allowed me to make)
Here's some wonderful stops along the way...

Thankful we were able to all fit in my brother's new car, and because of the "rule" of no eating in the new car, we had to stop for meals along the way. This stop was at the Grand Canyon, a planned stop along the way. What a measure of God's amazing creative power. I was also in awe because after 3 weeks of teaching my 4th graders about erosion, I was seeing up close real life application. Below is our next stop, a little less planned, but planned thankfully to the hotel rack of brochures. My dad was excited when he found the brochure on the Meteor crater that was near us.

Next stop...the petrified forest and painted desert, then onto Carlsbad Cavern...

These quick pictures were another moment along the trip that allowed me to connect the teaching of 4th graders with real life. Is the sun really a renewable resource?

All in all, the trip was "Grand" and the family road trip at 30 years old crammed in a car still proved to be able to build memories.

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