Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Cleaning..well maybe not

During the recent spring break I was able to enjoy my dad's spring cleaning endeavors. Although I was originally enlisted to wipe down and clean off the items for sale, it soon became evident to me that my first days of spring break would be better spent reclining in the intended bucket seats for sale. Thankfully I was able to get him to sit with me for a while and quick picture.

As I was reclining I noticed my dad's childhood bunkbed frame leaning against the fence. Remembering a conversation from before about the possibility of selling them, I wanted to claim them before they were sold or given away to someone else. So although I don't have space for them right now and part of the bed is being used at my parent's house, we wanted to be sure I had in writing my prior claim to them before something else happened.

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