Saturday, June 19, 2010

Other places in Paris and Toulouse France

After my brother left Paris, I was able to sit Sunday in the Jardin des Tuileries in a lawn chair waiting for Eva. This was the view I had for the day...amazing memory of solitude, only God could plan something like this.

Eva and I then took a tour boat on the Seine River.

I then with no phone or form of communication pulled out my notebook paper drawn map from friends, bought a RER train ticket for the latest hour so I didn't have to pay for another hotel that night, woke up in Toulouse France, found my way to the smaller train to take me to Saint-Gaudens and thankfully ran into people who spoke English who let me borrow their phone to call the friends to tell them I had arrived at the train station. Here's the street where they live.

And amazing French cheese.

With a trip through the Pyrénées

This trip was just the beginning of my new spontaneous self, and what an adventure it turned out to be.

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