Monday, June 8, 2009

Those going with me....

Blessed beyond measure is the thought that comes to mind right away. I have put off writing this post, since I am not sure I can fully express what I even want to say.

The list just goes on and on of those who have responded to go with me. Last Thursday my prediction came true as I cried in front of a room full of students and their moms, knowing that I would not ever be able to call that group of students my own again. These students have been a large part of my preparation in going. They have listened with ears of curiosity as I described what Kenya is like, questioned how students are alike and different from Americans, and given me such a vibe of energy for what I am doing this summer as they watched me share pictures of Trena and her mission. These are the students I will take with me, and as I look into the eyes of the Kenyan children, I will say HI FROM AMERICA! for these are the students who have taken the most steps with me on the journey, yet will not be able to board the plane to go with me physically.

For my birthday I was gifted with a large donation from the parents in support of my trip, so little did I expect anything for an end of the year gift from them. With emotions already on the edge of escape, one of the room moms handed me a book with a beautiful purple bow tied around it. As I removed the bow I realized it was a journal, but the undoing of my emotions was an even larger donation towards my trip and the signatures of all 21 students from my homeroom class. Pictured are the quotes the mom included in the journal, a very appropriate tie to my theme of going, and even more treasured as I will be able to take their sweet names with me into the heart of Kenya.

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